Posts Tagged "tree"

Tutorial for how to create a simple leaf effect on sugarpaste trees

25th July 2013
by M-admin-bakehouse
blog, cake, decorating, Manchester, maries's bakehouse, tutorial, Urmston, , , , , , , , , , , ,
A quick ‘how to decorate today’ rather than a recipe to share 🙂
I’ve used this technique on a few cakes, most recently on the sides of this Fireman Sam cake.
It’s super simple, and quick to do, but adds a bit of texture and interest to your cake.
What to do:
1. Colour some sugarpaste green. It can be marbled, you don’t need to colour it completely.
2. Roll out the paste to make it thinner, and pull off the desired size.
3. Tidy up the edges, and make into a ‘cloud’ shape.
4. Use a daisy cutter, or similar flower and press randomly into the paste (without cutting all the way through), over and over again to create a texture which gives the impression of lots of leaves.
5. Stick it on the top of your ‘trunk’, which can be made using a lump of brown sugarpaste, flattened slightly and score lines into it with a knife.
6. Add as many as you need to create the desired effect.


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