Posts Tagged "show"

Rocky Horror Sugar Show

22nd June 2015
by M-admin-bakehouse
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rocky horror sugar show

Have you heard about this yet? Have you been to like the facebook page? If not you’ll find it here. I highly recommend you go and view it, because there will be a lot going on there in the next few months. Let me tell you a story….

A group of like minded cake artist friends were chatting together on a facebook group many months ago, when one of them, Laura, mentioned that it was the 40th anniversary of The Rocky Horror Show and wouldn’t it be a great idea for a cake collaboration to take place to celebrate it.  Well no further encouragement was needed and the ideas began to flow. Whilst one of the members of the group, Rhu, was chatting to Cake International, she asked if this group of cake makers could possibly have a table at Cake International in November 2015 to show the collaboration. They thought it was a marvellous idea, and the idea began to snowball…….

What started off as a table, then became a stage, then became a walk through installation!! A 9 x 6 metre installation in fact, housing several rooms!

So let me introduce you to the admin team….

rocky horror sugar show

Here we are, sporting our red lipstick ready to take our lippy pictures to create the banner for the Rocky Horror Sugar Show  facebook page (remember the link above? Have you clicked it yet?) I’m the shorty in the middle Marie McGrath of Marie’s Bakehouse , on the right is Rhu Strand of Pimp my Cake with Mama Rhu  and the other beauty is Laura Edwards of Mamma Jamma Cakes . Being spread around the country we decided we needed a planning weekend, and this was us after working from 9am to after midnight!! But, hey, it’s going to be sooooo worth it!

So, there’s the 3 of us, and another 37 cake artists, some well known but many not, but all incredibly talented. We’re introducing them at the moment on the Rocky Horror Sugar Show facebook page, so go there and find out who else is involved 🙂 And you can also find out about all our contributors here on the Cake International website! Focusing on the strengths and loves of each individual, the project encompasses large sculpted work, detailed sugar models, flower work, tiered cakes, and everything in between. And you’ll be able to see some sneak peeks and progress shots as they are being made!

Things are moving along nicely. The plans are drawn up and submitted, the dummies are being ordered (one of our fantastic sponsors in Dummies Direct,) supplies ordered from another of our sponsors The Cake Decorating Company, Cakes Craft and Decoration magazine are writing their first article about the project, and this week we took delivery of over 300kg of sugarpaste and flowerpaste from another of our sponsors Renshaw Baking!!!!!!!

I’m beside myself with excitement about this project. It’s going to be fantastic, and we want to have you come along with us for the ride. So come and join us on The Rocky Horror Sugar Show facebook page (did I mention that yet?) and if you are a fan of twitter we’re over there too @rockysugarshow . So, come and join us, fill your senses, and let us see you shiver with antici…pation!!

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