Posts Tagged "nutella"

Nutella Oat Cookie Recipe

5th June 2015
by M-admin-bakehouse
blog, cheshire, homemade, Manchester, maries's bakehouse, recipe, Urmston, , , , , , , ,

Nutella Oat Cookie Recipe

nutella oat cookies
While I was making the Fruit Muesli and Peanut Butter Cookies, I decided to try a chocolate based ones for the children, knowing that they will not touch dried fruit with a barge pole now- despite eating their own body weight in it when they were toddlers. So this is a simple recipe for Nutella Oat Cookies, same method as the other cookies. As an aside, I might try these with no added sugar, I’m not sure they need any added.


1/2 cup of nutella
1/8 cup of sugar
1 egg
1 & 1/4 cup of porridge oats

1. Mix the nutella and sugar together. (Warm the nutella a little first if you’re finding it a tough job).
2. Mix in the egg.
3. Stir in the  oats until fully combined.
4. Spoon on to a tray lined with baking paper. The quality I used made 12 balls, about golf ball size, or maybe slightly bigger.
5. Bake in the oven at 160 degrees for 8-10 minutes until slightly golden brown.
6. Leave on the tray to cool for about ten minutes, then transfer to a cooling rack.
7. And there you are- Nutella Oat Cookies. Simple 🙂
You can follow Marie on facebook and instagram to see the latest makes.

Recipe for Brioche and Nutella Pudding

10th September 2013
by M-admin-bakehouse
blog, cheshire, homemade, Manchester, maries's bakehouse, pudding, recipe, Urmston, , , , , , , , , , ,

This is a twist on bread and butter pudding which came about due to the need to use up a packet of brioche…..

What you need for this recipe:
25g butter
6 individual brioche rolls, sliced
350ml whole milk
50ml double cream
2 eggs
25g sugar
6 tbsps Nutella
25g chocolate chips

What to do:

  • Grease a 1 litre pie dish with butter.


  • Slice the brioche and spreas the nutella on each slice.


  • Arrange a layer of brioche (about half of the slices), chocolate side up, in the bottom of the dish, then sprinkle half on the chocolate chips over the top. Add another layer of the brioche.


  • Gently warm the milk and cream in a pan over a low heat to scalding point. Don’t let it boil.


  • Crack the eggs into a bowl, add three quarters of the sugar and lightly whisk until pale.


  • Add the warm milk and cream mixture and stir well, then strain the custard into a bowl.


  • Pour the custard over the prepared bread layers and sprinkle with the other half of the chocolate chips and the remaining sugar and leave to stand for 30 minutes.


  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.


  • Place the dish into the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes, or until the custard has set and the top is golden-brown.
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