Posts Tagged "mould"

Review of Lakeland's Hearts Silicone Icing Mould

3rd February 2014
by M-admin-bakehouse
decorating, hearts, Lakeland, review, silicone, , , , , , , , , ,

Well, I’ve been lucky enough to be asked to review some more products by the lovely people at Lakeland, so here is the first one, stand by for another couple this week! I have been given the product to try for free, but all views are my own.

So here it is, the Hearts Silicone Icing Mould. I’m a sucker for these silicone moulds, I have quite a few different designs made by different manufacturers, and I use them when teaching some of my own classes, as well as on the cakes I make so I was interested to see how this one would compare.
I’m pleased to say it worked really well. When you first start using silicone moulds like this, you might find that the first one or two you try will stick to the mould. A way to stop this happening, is to use a little smearing of vegetable fat (I use Trex) on the inside of the mould. You could use a dusting of cornflour, or icing sugar, but if you are using a dark coloured icing, you then need to clean it off afterwards. If you do want to paint the hearts you make afterwards though, you will have to go down this route as the vegetable fat will prevent the paste gel sticking, or whatever you are using to paint with.
I tried all the different hearts and found them all easy to use. The one on the middle row at the far right had me flummoxed to begin with, but I had a play and realised you can use this as a feature on a small disc of sugarpaste. Have a look at the photograph below to see what I mean.

You see? The one in the bottom left corner? Cute isn’t it?
And here are the cupcakes on a wedding fayre table from last weekend. I’m happy to report they went down very well 🙂

You can also use them on cookies….

And on cake pops….. (Here is where I would insert a picture of the ones I made, but unfortunately they were eaten before I got chance to photograph them! Take it from me- they work on cake pops too!)
So, all in all, a great product, that I would definitely recommend and will be using myself and in my classes in future. If you’d like to buy one too, you can purchase from Lakeland here .


Review of Peppermint Bark Mould from Lakeland

13th December 2013
by M-admin-bakehouse
chocolate, Christmas, gift, homemade, Lakeland, peppermint bark mould, presents, review, , , , , , , , , ,

I love making new things in the kitchen. I get terribly bored doing the same thing over and over again. So an opportunity to play with a new toy is a definite winner. Team that with chocolate, and the fact it’s from Lakeland, a shop that regularly does serious damage to my bank balance, well it’s got to be a win-win situation!!

The Peppermint Bark Mould is incredibly easy to use. It comes with two sections, so you can make two lots at the same time, but do be aware that the instructions on the packet are for one side, not both, so double up if you are making two.
Melt 200g of milk chocolate, and pour half in each side of the mould, making sure it spreads out to all corners. Pop it in the fridge and go and do something else for a bit. Then melt 200g white chocolate and pour on top of the milk chocolate, half on each side. Bash up 4 or 5 candy canes in a plastic bag, and sprinkle the broken pieces on top of the white chocolate. Push it gently into the chocolate and pop it back in the fridge. After an hour it’ll be hard enough to pop out of the mould.

And there you have it! And they fit perfectly in a clear Lakeland presentation/gift bag.
Brilliant for gifts this holiday season!
If you’d like to give it a go yourself, you can buy it here:
I was not paid to write this review, but was sent the mould free of charge. All views are my own.

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