
I used the raspberry one in a milk chocolate fudge for Father’s Day which went down very well, and the coconut one was used in this recipe. It just gives the flavours you are using an extra ‘pop’.
So, back to the recipe.
1. Beat together the baking margarine and the sugar.
2. Add the eggs one at a time and beat into the mixture.
3. Add 2 teaspoons of coconut flavouring and beat.
4. Sieve in the flour and beat into the mixture again. At this stage if the mixture is not dropping consistency (it doesn’t ‘drop’ easily off the spoon) add a splash of milk and beat that in until fully combined.
5. Add 60g cranberries and fold into the mixture.
6. Pour it into the prepared 8″ x 8″ tin. For this recipe I used my silicone one, which doesn’t need lining, but if you are using a tin, I’d line it with greaseproof paper before you add the mixture.
7. Bake at 160 degrees for 20 minutes, then take out of the oven and quickly sprinkle the coconut over the top and return to the oven for a further 10 minutes. Keep your eye on it, it might only need 5 minutes.
8. Let it cool in the tin for about 15 minutes, and then take out to cool fully on a wire rack.
9. Enjoy with a cup of tea!
If you do have a go at baking this, do let me know how you get on 🙂
These are the simplest thing to make, super yummy , and give you a different way of presenting a dessert. You can make them savoury by omitting the sugar.
You need about a tablespoon of butter, and a couple of teaspoons of sugar per tortilla. These are rough measurements, I didn’t measure exactly when I has making them, the method was a little rough and ready if I’m being honest.
Preheat the oven to 160 degrees. Melt the butter in the microwave. Brush both sides of the tortilla with the melted butter, then sprinkle the sugar over the top. I used granulated sugar for some (for the children) and cinnamon sugar for the adults. If your tortillas are not very soft it may be an idea to soften them slightly in the microwave first as you need them to bend without ripping.
Then shape the tortilla inside an oven proof bowl, or over the back of a ramekin, or other suitable bowl. Bake for about 8 minutes, but keep an eye on them as you don’t want them to burn. Take them out of the oven and let them cool as they are for about 5 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Then they are ready to use.
And we had our cinnamon sugar ones with strawberries and cream. Yum 🙂
These little beauties are gorgeous!! They’ve come about because one of the lovely ladies who attends my classes is dairy free. I like to bake for the students at my classes, so was looking for a dairy free recipe. I found a recipe I liked, but tweaked it a bit and now I’m going to share it with you! Be prepared- the dough needs to chill for AT LEAST 4 hours, overnight is even better. So if you want to make these cookies you have to be patient!
Ok, so the jury is still out on these. I have to be honest with you, I can’t make my mind up whether I like them or not. The reason I chose to make them was to do with my quest to find yummy tasting treats that don’t pile on the pounds. And this recipe boasted that these are under 50 calories each. Worth a try I thought. So I made them, and took them along to a class I was running, and my family and friends have tried them too. And I think it’s fair to say we’re split 50/50 into those that like them and those that don’t. So you might just have to try them for yourself! The original recipe I found was here.
And this is what they’ll look like when they’re baked. Excuse the watery picture, it was very sunny in my kitchen when I took this picture!
And there you have it. Easy peasy to make, I’ll leave the taste testing up to you and you can tell me what you think.
I love fresh bread, there’s little that can beat the taste and texture of it fresh from the oven. But sometimes I just don’t have time, or I’m just not organised enough, to make it all by hand. So this is where my bread machine comes into it’s own. Hands up who has a bread machine? And hands up who hasn’t used it in ages? That’s about to change…..
Ingredients you will need:
310ml water
30g butter, chopped
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp. sugar
600g white bread flour
1 egg
2 tsp dried yeast
You’ll need to add the ingredients according to the instructions for your machine, but for mine it’s this order- water, butter, salt and sugar, then flour, egg and yeast.
Put it on the dough setting and let the bread machine work it’s magic. The dough cycle on my machine takes 1 hour and 20 minutes.
As soon as it’s finished, you can tip the dough out and break it into 12 pieces, and roll each one into a ball. Put them onto two greased baking trays and bake in the oven for 12-15 minutes at 200 degrees, or until cooked and golden brown.
Then remove the bread rolls and transfer to a wire rack to cool. Or, leave to cool as long as is needed to enable you to hold them without burning your fingers, break apart, spread with butter and enjoy!!
Have you been to Cake International? It’s been running for many years, but I’ve been to the Birmingham one for the last three years. The first one, I drove there from Manchester with my mum, spent a fortune on goodies and came home full of ideas, and totally in awe of anyone who entered the competition, thinking it wasn’t anything that I’d ever do myself.
The second and third years I went with cake friends and stayed over near the NEC. It was a really social experience, spending time in person with ‘real live’ cake friends, not just chatting to them over the internet! Each year different friends entered the competition and, with them, I lived through their anguish beforehand whilst making their competition piece, their nerves when waiting for the judges to announce who had been awarded what grades, and their joy and sometimes disappointments at how they had been scored.
But I hadn’t ever entered the competition myself. Well, I lived in Manchester, and the cake had to be delivered to Birmingham before 8.45am on a Friday morning, and I had work, or had to take the children to school, so I couldn’t possibly get it there, could I?
Good enough excuse I thought.
Then Cake International moved to Manchester. And not just Manchester- to Event City, which is less than ten minutes away from where I live in Urmston. So the ‘I can’t get it there’ excuse was no longer relevant. Hmmmmmmmm.
So, when the time came to think about buying my tickets for CI, it was crunch time. Was I going to buy a three day pass? Or enter the competition and have a three day pass because of it? So I entered the competition. I read through the rules of each class and decided on Class B: Celebration cake with all edible decoration.
I decided to stick with something I knew I could do. Some people enter CI to really challenge themselves, and hats off to them for doing it. There are some absolutely fantastic pieces there, such as this amazing piece from Rhu at Pimp My Cake By Mama Rhu. But I thought I’d make a cake which I’d make for a customer, and just have fun making a cake I enjoyed. Which is exactly what I did.
I like making cakes with lots of detail. Cakes which make you look a little bit closer. Cakes which have decoration at the back as well as at the front. So I kind of went to town with it on this cake. I didn’t stress, I didn’t worry, I just enjoyed making a cake that I wanted to make. So far so good I thought.
On the morning of delivery I was still fairly relaxed about the whole thing. Until the point of putting it on the table. Then I started to feel nervous. Lots of people would be looking at my cake over the next three days. The judges would be scrutinising it in a matter of hours. People might wander past it and criticise it. I might be there and hear them! Suddenly I wasn’t quite so calm! But I felt confident enough in my cake to think I might be awarded a merit, and if I was lucky enough to get a bronze, then I’d be thrilled.
After taking the children to school, and going home to bake for a order, I returned to CI at about 11am. As soon as I arrived I went to the competition area and saw a judge with my cake! Suddenly I felt very sick. Suddenly it really mattered to me what this person thought of my cake, and I needed to know as soon as possible.
Then I, and other cake friends, waited for the results to be announced. And waited and waited and waited. Three o’clock came round and I had to leave to collect my children from school. On returning home I was glued to my laptop, waiting for Rhu to let me know what the results were. Then Rhu posted a picture for me.
63 Queen’s Rd, Urmston, Manchester M41 9HF
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Proin congue ex risus, a volutpat eros luctus sit amet. Fusce diam mauris, tempor sollicitudin libero a, accumsan.
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