Posts Tagged "kid’s classes"

12th January 2016

Children’s Classes at Marie’s Bakehouse

by M-admin-bakehouse
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Did you know I used to be a Primary school teacher before I left to concentrate full time on the business and my family? I guess that’s probably why I enjoy the children’s classes at Marie’s Bakehouse so much. The adult classes are always great, very relaxed and chatty, more of a social occasion a lot of the time than a class! But teaching children a new skill is something special and a real privilege to be able to do.
The children tend to chat less than the adults, concentrate more on the end product than the adults. Whether they’re trying to impress me, or their parents, or themselves I’m not sure, but what I do know is every child that’s ever come to a class has been very happy with what they’ve taken home, and that is a real buzz for me.
So this February half term, we’re making space themed models. The Cupcake Class is suitable for children aged 6+ right up to teens, and even complete beginners can make fabulous cupcakes in this class. Here’s what we’ll be making:

children's cupcake space

The children’s classes will take place on Tuesday 16th February, and there are two classes 10-12 noon and 1-3pm.

Both classes are £20 per person, or £17 each when booking two or more places.

These classes are held at The Croft, 28 The Village, Church Road, Flixton, Manchester,  M41 6HS.

You can book on or phone or text 07940121872.

Here’s some of the work of past students in the children’s classes:

children's cupcake classchildren's class modellingchildren's cupcake class

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