Posts Tagged "coconut"

20th January 2016

Oaty Coconut Bars Recipe

by M-admin-bakehouse
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The Most Delicious Oaty Coconut Bars Recipe

These are gorgeous. I mean, really tasty. Well, I guess if you don’t like oats or coconut you might want to pass, but if you do, you HAVE to try these. And as a bonus, they are really quick to make. AND, if you can’t wait for them to cool down, they’re also delicious warm. Just be careful not to eat them too soon. We don’t want any burnt mouths do we?!!
And this isn’t just my own opinion. Nooooo. A few people have eaten these and think they’re yummy too. I bake for my classes. Some might say I use them as guinea pigs for my new bakes, but of course I wouldn’t agree with that! Well, kinda. But when they get yummy treats like this, they can’t really complain can they??
Let’s get to the important bit- the recipe.


160g porridge oats

90g dessicated coconut

175g caster sugar

125g plain flour

2 heaped tablespoons golden syrup

150g butter/baking margarine (I used dairy free spread, use whatever you prefer)


1. Line an 8″ square tin with baking paper and heat the oven to 170 degrees.

2. Put the butter and golden syrup in a large saucepan and melt over a medium heat, stirring. Once melted, take off the heat.

3. Add all of the other ingredients to the melted butter mixture, and stir until fully combined.

4. Pour it into the prepared tin, and flatten it out so it is evenly spread in the tin.

5. Bake for 20 mins.

6. Cool in the tin for about 10 minutes, then transfer the bake in the baking paper to a cooling rack to fully cool (or scoff some while it’s still warm- but remember no burnt mouths!), then cut into 12 pieces.

Simple as that. Ready in half an hour or so. Delicious.Let me know if you try them and what you think.
oaty coconut bars named
If you like this recipe you might also like Nutella Oat Cookies or Oaty Banana Bites or Anzac Biscuits are also pretty yummy.

You can follow Marie on facebook and instagram to see the latest makes.


Coconut and Lime Cake Recipe

6th September 2015
by M-admin-bakehouse
blog, cake, recipe, , , , , , , , , , ,

Coconut and Lime Cake Recipe

coconut and lime cake


For the cake
225g baking margarine or butter
225g caster sugar
2 limes, zest and juice
225g self raising flour
100g dessicated coconut
3 eggs

For the syrup
juice of one lime
100g sugar
100ml of water

For the buttercream
125g butter
250g Key Lime Icing Sugar from Sugar and Crumbs (using this amount of the flavoured icing sugar will give a very strong flavour. If you don’t want it so intense, you could use half/half Key Lime/Regular icing sugar, and if you’d just like a hint of the flavour, you can replace a few tablespoons of 250g of regular icing sugar with the Key Lime flavoured one).

1. Pre-heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease and line 3 8″ round sandwich tins with baking paper.
2. Put all of the cake ingredients in a large bowl and beat until combined.
3. Pour into the prepared tins and bake for about 25-30 minutes until risen and golden.
4. While the cakes are cooking you can make the syrup. Add the ingredients in a small saucepan and heat gently, stirring while the sugar dissolves. Turn up the heat and boil for 5 minutes or so, then take off the heat and as it cools it will produce a syrup.
5. Check the cakes.  Insert a toothpick into the centre and if the sponge is baked through it’ll come out clean.
6. Brush the syrup over the top of each cake while it is hot in the tin. Don’t drown them, just a light brushing is enough. Coconut cake can be very crumbly, this helps it to keep it’s shape a bit more and intensifies the lime flavour too.
7. Leave for ten minutes in the tin then put onto a wire rack to cool properly.
8. Make the buttercream by beating the butter with an electric whisk for a few minutes, then add the icing sugar a dessert spoonful at a time and continue to beat until fully combined and fluffy.
9. Once the cakes have cooled completely, spread the buttercream on two cakes, and sandwich together to make a cake of three layers of cake and two of buttercream. If you have any buttercream left, you can spread another layer on top but this isn’t entirely necessary. Add sprinkles if you like.
10. Put the kettle on, cut yourself a slice and enjoy!

You can follow Marie on facebook and instagram to see the latest makes.


Recipe for how to make Coconut and Cranberry Slices

6th August 2013
by M-admin-bakehouse
1 comment
blog, cake, easy, homemade, Manchester, maries's bakehouse, recipe, Urmston, , , , , , , , ,
These are truly yummy, and VERY easy to make.
This recipe uses a very easy, foolproof method of baking. And it’s really easy to follow. And you don’t need to remember any measurements, because you weigh your eggs, and then use the same amount of butter (or baking margarine), sugar, and self raising flour.
For a 8″ x 8″ tray, I used 6 eggs, which is about 360g give or take, depending on the size and weight of your eggs. It doesn’t matter if yours are over or under that weight, as long as you weigh the same amount of sugar, butter/baking margarine, and self raising flour it will still work.
So, for this recipe I used:
360g baking margarine
360g caster sugar
6 eggs
2 teaspoons of coconut flavouring
360g self raising flour
60 g dried cranberries
a sprinkling of sweetened coconut.
And before I go any further, let me introduce you to the flavouring. I know this is the second time I’ve recommended a product from Sweet Success, but I’m not on commission honestly!! I added some flavourings to one of my orders to give them a whirl and so far I’m impressed. So here they are:

I used the raspberry one in a milk chocolate fudge for Father’s Day which went down very well, and the coconut one was used in this recipe. It just gives the flavours you are using an extra ‘pop’.
So, back to the recipe.
1. Beat together the baking margarine and the sugar.
2. Add the eggs one at a time and beat into the mixture.
3. Add 2 teaspoons of coconut flavouring and beat.
4. Sieve in the flour and beat into the mixture again. At this stage if the mixture is not dropping consistency (it doesn’t ‘drop’ easily off the spoon) add a splash of milk and beat that in until fully combined.
5. Add 60g cranberries and fold into the mixture.
6. Pour it into the prepared 8″ x 8″ tin. For this recipe I used my silicone one, which doesn’t need lining, but if you are using a tin, I’d line it with greaseproof paper before you add the mixture.
7. Bake at 160 degrees for 20 minutes, then take out of the oven and quickly sprinkle the coconut over the top and return to the oven for a further 10 minutes. Keep your eye on it, it might only need 5 minutes.
8. Let it cool in the tin for about 15 minutes, and then take out to cool fully on a wire rack.
9. Enjoy with a cup of tea!
If you do have a go at baking this, do let me know how you get on 🙂


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