How to make Aphrodisiac cookies

Ok, so they’re called Aphrodisiac cookies, mainly because they contain walnuts and dark chocolate, both of which have reported aphrodisiac qualities. I can’t promise they’ll pep up the old love life, but they’re a really yummy cookie, so it’s worth a try anyway isn’t it?!

Ingredients you’ll need:
165g softened butter or baking margarine
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
150g caster sugar
175g dark brown sugar
80g porridge oats
200g plain flour
1/2 tap baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
170g dark chocolate chips
115g chopped walnuts
What to do:

1. Preheat your oven to 170 degrees.  Put the softened butter/baking margarine, the eggs, and the vanilla extract in a bowl. Mix together. You can use an electric whisk if you want to, if you do it’ll be far fluffier in appearance than in the next picture….

2. I used a wooden spoon, so if that’s what you use too, it’ll look something like this.

3. Add all the rest of the ingredients. I LOVE recipes where you just pile everything in at once. Don’t get me wrong, I can appreciate the art that goes into more carefully added/folded/whisked at each stage etc recipes, but if you pile it all in at once, you have less time to wait before you get to try it, which has got to be a good thing? Yes?

4. Mix everything in together, until fully combined.

5. Using a dessert spoon, or whatever you have handy, dollop small amounts onto a lined baking tray.  You should get about 24 cookies out of this recipe.  Make sure you have quite a gap in between each one as they tend to spread……see the next photo…..

6. You see? Lots of spreading, which resulted in the top ones touching each other. Not a big problem, but remember to space them apart. Leave them on the baking tray for at least 10 minutes to cool down.  They are very fragile and soft as soon as they’re out of the oven and will break easily if you try and transfer them to a cooking rack. I know, I tried. If they’re still fragile after this time, leave them for a bit longer before you move them onto cooling racks to finish cooling fully.

7. And here they are all cooled and ready for eating. Nomnomnom!

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