How to make a marshmallow snowman

1. Put the marshmallows on the stick.
This picture is a bit on an aside. When chocolate is banging about in a bag with other chocolates, they rub against each other, and that’s what causes the white marks. If you want your chocolate without these, just rub it with your finger and they disappear :0)
2. Make 2 piping bags (you can find out how to do this here ) and half fill one with melted chocolate. I say make with cooking chocolate, then you don’t have to worry about tempering it to stop any blooming.
5. Then using the second piping bag you made, melt orange candy melts, or orange flavoured buttons like these, which can be found in most supermarkets.
6. Pipe a nose by piping a blob, then pulling the piping bag away to create a point, like a carrot.