Category "homemade"

Nutella Oat Cookie Recipe

5th June 2015
by M-admin-bakehouse
blog, cheshire, homemade, Manchester, maries's bakehouse, recipe, Urmston, , , , , , , ,

Nutella Oat Cookie Recipe

nutella oat cookies
While I was making the Fruit Muesli and Peanut Butter Cookies, I decided to try a chocolate based ones for the children, knowing that they will not touch dried fruit with a barge pole now- despite eating their own body weight in it when they were toddlers. So this is a simple recipe for Nutella Oat Cookies, same method as the other cookies. As an aside, I might try these with no added sugar, I’m not sure they need any added.


1/2 cup of nutella
1/8 cup of sugar
1 egg
1 & 1/4 cup of porridge oats

1. Mix the nutella and sugar together. (Warm the nutella a little first if you’re finding it a tough job).
2. Mix in the egg.
3. Stir in the  oats until fully combined.
4. Spoon on to a tray lined with baking paper. The quality I used made 12 balls, about golf ball size, or maybe slightly bigger.
5. Bake in the oven at 160 degrees for 8-10 minutes until slightly golden brown.
6. Leave on the tray to cool for about ten minutes, then transfer to a cooling rack.
7. And there you are- Nutella Oat Cookies. Simple 🙂
You can follow Marie on facebook and instagram to see the latest makes.

Recipe for Fruit Muesli and Peanut Butter Cookies

24th February 2015
by M-admin-bakehouse
blog, cheshire, homemade, Manchester, maries's bakehouse, recipe, Urmston, , , , , , , , ,

fruit museli and peanut butter cookies

I love food and I love making it. I cannot get away from that fact. In order to try and counteract this a bit, I’m a) trying to up my exercise levels and b) trying out slightly healthily snacks and recipes at the moment. But I don’t want them to taste like rabbit food. Try as I might, muesli, even when laden with fruits does not float my boat. So I tried out this recipe today, based on one from the marvellous Feed Your Family For About £20 a Week facebook page, in order to use it up! I’ve used cup measurements, but don’t worry if you don’t have measuring cups. Either use a conversion table you can find using google, or just grab a teacup and stick to the same ratios. You might get a different amount of cookies than me, but the recipe will still work. So, here’s how you make Fruit Muesli and Peanut Butter Cookies.


1/2 cup of peanut butter (I used crunchy, but it would work with smooth too).
1/4 cup of sugar
1 egg
1 & 1/4 cup of fruit muesli (or you could use porridge oats and a selection of dried fruit)

1. Mix the peanut butter and sugar together. (Warm the peanut butter a little first if you’re finding it a tough job).
2. Mix in the egg.
3. Stir in the muesli/oat mixture until fully combined.
4. Spoon on to a tray lined with baking paper. The quality I used made 12 balls, about golf ball size, or maybe slightly bigger.
5. Bake in the oven at 160 degrees for 8-10 minutes until slightly golden brown.
6. Leave on the tray to cool for about ten minutes, then transfer to a cooling rack.

Banana muffin recipe

20th January 2015
by M-admin-bakehouse
baker, blog, cake, cheshire, dessert, homemade, Manchester, marie's bakehouse, recipe, Urmston, , , , , , , , , ,

banana muffin

Banana Muffin Recipe

I have constantly got over-ripe bananas in my house, that get chucked into the freezer for using on a later date. Time to get using some! Hence the next recipe for the Bakehouse Blog!


200g self raising flour

pinch of salt

3 large bananas, mashed

150g caster sugar

1 egg

75g  butter, melted


1. Preheat the oven to 180 C. Place 12 paper baking cases in a muffin, or cupcake, tin.

2. Put the flour and salt in a bowl, then set aside.

3. Combine mashed bananas, sugar, egg and melted butter in a large bowl.

4. Fold in flour mixture, and mix until just smooth- don’t over mix.

5. Spoon evenly into baking cases in muffin tin.

6. Bake in preheated oven for 25 to 30 minutes or until muffins spring back when lightly tapped.

These muffins will freeze well, but they also last for at least three days after baking too. I’m going to play with this recipe and add oats, cinnamon etc, and play about with reducing the amount of sugar too.


Experimenting with Lakeland's agar agar (part two) Making Marshmallows!

9th February 2014
by M-admin-bakehouse
agar agar, homemade, Lakeland, marshmallows, recipe, review, , , , , , , , , , ,

Well, after the success of the panna cotta recipe, I decided to give marshmallows a go! I’ve wanted to make these for ages, so this was the perfect excuse. Like the panna cotta, I thought it was going to be a difficult process and take a long time, but quite the opposite was true.

Homemade marshmallows are quite unlike ones that you buy in the shops. Soft, fluffy squidgy, melt-in-the-mouth clouds of sweet vanilla-y yumminess. I don’t think I’d describe shop bought ones in the same way!
So here’s the recipe:
Homemade marshmallows
3 egg whites (I used Two Chicks)
250g sugar
100ml water
1 tbsp. honey
1 tsp agar agar powder
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
icing sugar
pink food colouring
1. In a small bowl, dissolve the agar agar powder in the water.
2. Pour this into a saucepan, with the sugar and honey and warm to a medium to high heat until the syrup mixture has reached 121 degrees.
3. Meanwhile, whisk the egg whites until they are firm.
4. Add the food colouring and the vanilla bean paste.
5. When the syrup is ready, pour it slowly into the egg whites and continue to whisk.
6. Line an 8″ x 8″ baking tin with parchment paper, and pour the marshmallow mixture in the prepared tin and use a spatula to spread it.
7. Allow it to dry for 10 hours. It’s usable after a couple of hours, but will firm up more if you leave it for longer.
8. Cut it into squares and roll in the icing sugar.
I found that it was better if I allowed the icing sugar to dry off a bit, and then rolled again in the icing sugar.

Looks yummy doesn’t it? I have to admit, it is quite sticky so if you were thinking of giving it as a gift, you might need to roll it in the sugar again, or even pack it in layers of sugared parchment paper.
And if you think squares are a bit on the boring side, how about cutting shapes instead?

I know, almost too cute to eat right? Almost….
You can buy agar agar from Lakeland here.
I was given the agar agar product to use by Lakeland, but all views are my own.


Experimenting with Lakeland's Agar Agar Panna Cotta

9th February 2014
by M-admin-bakehouse
agar agar, dessert, homemade, Lakeland, panna cotta, recipe, review, vanilla, , , , , , , , ,

For those who haven’t used or heard about it before, Agar Agar is a vegetarian gelatin substitute produced from a variety of seaweed vegetation. It can be used in a variety of dairy-free, vegetarian and vegan recipes as a stabilizing and thickening agent.

I have never used it before, heck I’ve barely used gelatin before, so it was time to have a play with new recipes.
I decided on giving panna cotta a try. It was MUCH easier than I thought.
This is the recipe I used:
Panna Cotta
360ml full fat milk
120ml whipping cream
2 tsp agar agar powder
2-3 tsp vanilla bean paste
Strawberry coulis (recipe further down)
And the method:
1. Put the milk, cream, agar agar powder and vanilla bean paste into a pan.
2. Heat the mixture over a medium heat until the agar agar powder has fully dissolved, stirring occasionally.
3. Heat to boiling point and let it bubble for a minute or two, then remove from the heat.
4. Let it stand for about ten minutes, then pour into 4 ramekin dishes or bowls.
5. When cool, refrigerate for 2-3 hours until set.
6. To release the panna cotta, run around the edge of it with a silicone spatula or sharp knife, place a plate upside down on top of the dish, and turn the plate and dish upside down to transfer the panna cotta on to the plate.

7. Pour the coulis around the panna cotta and serve cold.

Strawberry coulis
125ml water
125g caster sugar
300g hulled and halves strawberries
1. Bring the water and caster sugar to the boil and stir, making sure the sugar is dissolved.
2. Add the strawberries and cook for 2-3 minutes or until the strawberries have softened.
3. Puree the mixture, and strain through a sieve.
4. Store the puree in the fridge for up to 2 days.

Looks yummy doesn’t it? I could just eat the bit on that spoon. You know…just to test it….

A very easy recipe, but impressive- one that could be used to impress the in laws if the occasion required it!
And here’s a sneak peek of experimenting with agar agar part 2!

Any guesses what I made this time??
You can buy agar agar from Lakeland here.
I was given the agar agar product to use by Lakeland, but all views are my own.


Review of Peppermint Bark Mould from Lakeland

13th December 2013
by M-admin-bakehouse
chocolate, Christmas, gift, homemade, Lakeland, peppermint bark mould, presents, review, , , , , , , , , ,

I love making new things in the kitchen. I get terribly bored doing the same thing over and over again. So an opportunity to play with a new toy is a definite winner. Team that with chocolate, and the fact it’s from Lakeland, a shop that regularly does serious damage to my bank balance, well it’s got to be a win-win situation!!

The Peppermint Bark Mould is incredibly easy to use. It comes with two sections, so you can make two lots at the same time, but do be aware that the instructions on the packet are for one side, not both, so double up if you are making two.
Melt 200g of milk chocolate, and pour half in each side of the mould, making sure it spreads out to all corners. Pop it in the fridge and go and do something else for a bit. Then melt 200g white chocolate and pour on top of the milk chocolate, half on each side. Bash up 4 or 5 candy canes in a plastic bag, and sprinkle the broken pieces on top of the white chocolate. Push it gently into the chocolate and pop it back in the fridge. After an hour it’ll be hard enough to pop out of the mould.

And there you have it! And they fit perfectly in a clear Lakeland presentation/gift bag.
Brilliant for gifts this holiday season!
If you’d like to give it a go yourself, you can buy it here:
I was not paid to write this review, but was sent the mould free of charge. All views are my own.


Recipe for Brioche and Nutella Pudding

10th September 2013
by M-admin-bakehouse
blog, cheshire, homemade, Manchester, maries's bakehouse, pudding, recipe, Urmston, , , , , , , , , , ,

This is a twist on bread and butter pudding which came about due to the need to use up a packet of brioche…..

What you need for this recipe:
25g butter
6 individual brioche rolls, sliced
350ml whole milk
50ml double cream
2 eggs
25g sugar
6 tbsps Nutella
25g chocolate chips

What to do:

  • Grease a 1 litre pie dish with butter.


  • Slice the brioche and spreas the nutella on each slice.


  • Arrange a layer of brioche (about half of the slices), chocolate side up, in the bottom of the dish, then sprinkle half on the chocolate chips over the top. Add another layer of the brioche.


  • Gently warm the milk and cream in a pan over a low heat to scalding point. Don’t let it boil.


  • Crack the eggs into a bowl, add three quarters of the sugar and lightly whisk until pale.


  • Add the warm milk and cream mixture and stir well, then strain the custard into a bowl.


  • Pour the custard over the prepared bread layers and sprinkle with the other half of the chocolate chips and the remaining sugar and leave to stand for 30 minutes.


  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.


  • Place the dish into the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes, or until the custard has set and the top is golden-brown.

How to make Wholemeal Honey Rolls using your breadmachine

27th August 2013
by M-admin-bakehouse
baker, blog, bread machine, dough, homemade, Manchester, recipe, Urmston, , , , , , , , , ,
Sometimes, there is just nothing nicer than eating fresh, still warm, home baked bread rolls, and these ones in particular are fabulous. And if you have a breadmachine, all the hard work is done for you 🙂
What you need:
310ml water
30g chopped butter
1 tsp salt
3 tbsps honey
600g wholemeal flour
2 tsp dried yeast
What you need to do:
1. Add the ingredients in the order recommended for your machine (with mine, it’s the wet ones first, then the dry on top).
2. Use the dough setting and set the machine going to work it’s magic.
3. Once the dough is ready, divide it into 16 equal pieces. Lightly knead each one and shape into rounds.
4. Place onto a lightly greased tray and bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 12-15 minutes or until golden brown.
***If you would like extra fluffy bread, you can cover the rolls after placing them on the tray in cling film or plastic wrap, and leave in a warm place for about an hour, and they will double in size. Baking time is the same. But if you are impatient like me and my family, you can bake them as soon as the dough is made, and they are still super yummy.***



Recipe for how to make Coconut and Cranberry Slices

6th August 2013
by M-admin-bakehouse
1 comment
blog, cake, easy, homemade, Manchester, maries's bakehouse, recipe, Urmston, , , , , , , , ,
These are truly yummy, and VERY easy to make.
This recipe uses a very easy, foolproof method of baking. And it’s really easy to follow. And you don’t need to remember any measurements, because you weigh your eggs, and then use the same amount of butter (or baking margarine), sugar, and self raising flour.
For a 8″ x 8″ tray, I used 6 eggs, which is about 360g give or take, depending on the size and weight of your eggs. It doesn’t matter if yours are over or under that weight, as long as you weigh the same amount of sugar, butter/baking margarine, and self raising flour it will still work.
So, for this recipe I used:
360g baking margarine
360g caster sugar
6 eggs
2 teaspoons of coconut flavouring
360g self raising flour
60 g dried cranberries
a sprinkling of sweetened coconut.
And before I go any further, let me introduce you to the flavouring. I know this is the second time I’ve recommended a product from Sweet Success, but I’m not on commission honestly!! I added some flavourings to one of my orders to give them a whirl and so far I’m impressed. So here they are:

I used the raspberry one in a milk chocolate fudge for Father’s Day which went down very well, and the coconut one was used in this recipe. It just gives the flavours you are using an extra ‘pop’.
So, back to the recipe.
1. Beat together the baking margarine and the sugar.
2. Add the eggs one at a time and beat into the mixture.
3. Add 2 teaspoons of coconut flavouring and beat.
4. Sieve in the flour and beat into the mixture again. At this stage if the mixture is not dropping consistency (it doesn’t ‘drop’ easily off the spoon) add a splash of milk and beat that in until fully combined.
5. Add 60g cranberries and fold into the mixture.
6. Pour it into the prepared 8″ x 8″ tin. For this recipe I used my silicone one, which doesn’t need lining, but if you are using a tin, I’d line it with greaseproof paper before you add the mixture.
7. Bake at 160 degrees for 20 minutes, then take out of the oven and quickly sprinkle the coconut over the top and return to the oven for a further 10 minutes. Keep your eye on it, it might only need 5 minutes.
8. Let it cool in the tin for about 15 minutes, and then take out to cool fully on a wire rack.
9. Enjoy with a cup of tea!
If you do have a go at baking this, do let me know how you get on 🙂



Recipe for how to make sticky toffee pudding

31st July 2013
by M-admin-bakehouse
blog, cake, dessert, homemade, Manchester, maries's bakehouse, recipe, Urmston, , , , , , , , , ,
Ingredients you will need for the recipe
For the toffee pudding:
200g dried dates, stoned and chopped.
250ml black tea (not too strong)
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
85g unsalted butter, softened
175g self-raising flour
1 tsp mixed spice
175g golden caster sugar
2 eggs, beaten
For the toffee sauce:
100g light muscovado sugar
100g unsalted butter
142ml carton double cream
What to do:
1. Heat the oven to 180C/fan 160C Put the dates and tea in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Cook for 3–4 minutes to soften the dates. Stir in the bicarbonate of soda.
2. Beat the butter and caster sugar together until pale and creamy, then beat in the egg, flour and mixed spice. Fold in the date mixture and pour into a buttered ovenproof dish or brownie tin. Bake for 30–35 minutes or until the top is just firm to touch.
3. Meanwhile, make the sauce by putting the sugar, butter and cream in a pan over a low heat and simmer until the sugar has dissolved. Cook until the sauce is a toffee colour. Cut the pudding into squares and serve with the warm sauce.
If you try the recipe, let me know how you got on!
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