Bakehouse Blog

How to make Anzac Biscuits

5th March 2013

Last week my eldest daughter Grace had to do a talk at school. She had visited The Imperial War Museum North with her Dad and younger sister Alice, whilst I was poorly in bed. So she decided to talk about her visit there. We also talked abo


How to make Aphrodisiac cookies

20th February 2013

Ok, so they’re called Aphrodisiac cookies, mainly because they contain walnuts and dark chocolate, both of which have reported aphrodisiac qualities. I can’t promise they’ll pep up the old love life, but they’re a really yummy cookie, so it


How to make a paper piping bag

14th February 2013

How To Make A Paper Piping Bag For piping buttercream, I’d always choose a plastic throw away bag, but for piping chocolate, candy melts or royal icing, I like to use a paper bag.  And this is how you make one…..  1. C


How to make mini Valentine's heart cakes

14th February 2013

 Happy Valentine’s Day!!!!  Fancy treating the one you love? Or just fancy treating yourself? Then these mini heart cakes are perfect! Of course, you can adapt it to making them any colour and shape, the principle is the same


How to stop metal cookie cutters from rusting

21st January 2013

Quick post today, and on a subject you may have read about before.  After Realisation-of-how-many-cookie-cutters-I-actually-have-and-never-use-day , I’ve been reading rather a lot about decorating cookies in order to equip myself to us


How to make candy melt tree decorations

18th January 2013

This was our Christmas cake: Chocolate mud cake with Bailey’s Irish Crème, and chocolate flavoured buttercream with Bailey’s in that too.  Lush.  And if you know me, or follow me on facebook at all (


How to Make a Marshmallow Snowman

29th December 2012

How to make a marshmallow snowmanThere are lots of fayres around this time of year, and you might also be looking for something to do with the kids.  Look know further,  marshmallow snowmen are what you’ve been looking for :)&nbsp


11th December 2012

Website Now Live

It’s been a long time in coming, but i’m really pleased to announce the website is very nearly finished…..


How to make Shred's Mix

4th November 2012

This recipe is based on an American recipe, called Chex Mix, which keeps popping up all over my Pinterest feed, so I thought I ought to investigate.  Chex is a cereal, which apparently is pretty similar to our Shreddies.&nbsp


How to make Cranberry and White Chocolate Flapjack

17th October 2012

Hello! Thanks for taking the time to come along and read the post! At last, the long awaited first post of Marie’s Bakehouse.So here it is, the recipe to Cranberry and White Chocolate Flapjack.  Really easy, brilliant to make with the

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